Quintana Roo


In essence a tourist destination, Cancun was developed thirty years ago by the state government as an exclusive leisure epicenter. Unfortunately, it was devastated in October 2005 by hurricane Wilma, and had to be practically re-built in its entirety.

In this respect, as well as for the amazing record of welcoming more than three million visitors a year, Cancun has exceeded all expectations, and is to this day home to many
world class hotel chains, as well as offering a high quality of services infrastructure, always with the tourist in mind.

Quintana Roo History

Quintana Roo, together with the Baja California states, represent the younges...

Quintana Roo Culture

As it has been explained, the tourist state of Quintana Roo shares many aspec...

Quintana Roo Travel


In essence a tourist destination, Cancun was developed ...

Quintana Roo Map
Quintana Roo Economy

Despite its youth within the Mexican modern federation, the state of Quintana...

Quintana Roo Geography

With a total surface of 50,483 sq. kilometers and coasts extending some 900 k...

Quintana Roo Politics

Tourism represents the major economic activity within the entity, contributing m...

Quintana Roo Government

Felix Arturo Gonzalez Canto, Constitutional Governor of the State of Quintana Ro...

Quintana Roo Demography

According to the latest population census run across the nation in the year 2005...

Neighboring States to Quintana Roo

Articles Releated with Quintana Roo

Mexico's Presidents in the 19th Century

After Mexico’s Independence, the country was in a const...

Best Golf Courses in Mexico, The Mayan Riviera

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Mexican Workers Social Benefits

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Mexicans amongst the millionaires’ world lists

The financial magazines Forbes, Fortune, Expansion, and o...

The Tobacco Cave, Mexico

During the War of Reform, the confrontation between liber...

16th of September, Independence day in Mexico

Mexico’s Independence is the result of diverse social c...

The Administration of Vicente Fox, Former President of Mexico

Without a doubt, this politician is also a character: No ...

Religions in Mexico

Mexico is an officially secular country where the Church ...

The Cristero War

The Cristero War is also known as Cristiada. It was an ar...

Balloon Rides in Mexico

Are you tired of always doing the same on vacations? Hot-...

Mountain Climbing and Mexico's Highest Mountains

Mexico offers mountain climbers tempting peaks to explore...

Duties of the Main Federal Government Departments in Mexico

The Mexican State fulfills its main goal by guaranteeing ...

The Great Mexican Painters

Mexican visual arts have been very fortunate and prolific...

The War of Reform, History of Mexico

Mexico’s War of Reform, also known as the Three Year Wa...

Xcaret, Mexican Paradise

Sacred place for the people of ancient times, it allows y...

The Best Theaters In Mexico

Teatro de Bellas Artes


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